Technical terms definations part 2.

 Technical Terms part 2.

1. Hardware:

Hardware is any part of your computer that has a physical structure. Such as the computer , monitor, mouse, hard disk, processor, etc.

2. Computer:

Computer is an electronic device that takes input process it and gives output.

Father of computer is Charlese Babbage(1791-1871).

3. Data:

Collections of facts, such as values or measurements. it can numbers, words, measurements, observation or even just description of things.

Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner, which should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or electronic machine.

4. Information:

Information is the summarization of the data. Information is organized or classified data, which has meaningful values for the receiver. Information is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.


A file is an object on a computer that stores data, information, setting or commands used with a computer program. In a GUI(graphical user interface), such as icons that relate to the program that opens the file.

6. Record:

A record is a collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically in fixed number and sequence. A record is collection of data items arranged for processing by a program.

Multiple records are contained in a file or data set. 


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